
in loco fellows’ blog series #2


I have been staring at my pc for some time now, cracking my head on how to go about the task given to me or should I say that I volunteered to do.

My name is Thandi Mokoma, an Alumni of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology in Lesotho. I studied Architecture Technology (Associate Degree) and this is my story.

I have heard about ‘blogging’ before but never really had any interest in it, so believe me when I say this is my first blog. In just a few paragraphs I’m going to sum up the two good months of experiences as a rise in loco fellow. The program is like an adventure, one never knows what to expect next and what challenges and knowledge are just around the corner. The fellowship has taught me more than I had imagined, as a newly graduated Architecture Technology I feel my duties are diverse and ever changing, and these are some of the learnings I would like to share with you.


I guess before going for the business training workshops, I had my own thoughts and assumptions of what business training is all about, how formal the working environment is, the formal language used and specific corporate attire, and I wasn’t really looking forward to it. But to my surprise it was filled with fun, laughter, games and loads of new knowledge. We had fun energisers now and then, short dramas and educational games amongst a few. One of the many things we were taught at the business training was entrepreneurial skills and means of making your business known.



You know when they say ‘dreams come true!’ that’s exactly what happened to me. Being part of rise gives me a platform to meet people from different companies and organisations like World Bank amongst others. I had the opportunity to present our work to people from diverse cultures, race and backgrounds.

In addition, I had direct conversations and interactions with people from big companies attending our presentations. Some of the representatives from these well established companies would pick our brains on how they can make their own projects succeed with regards to what we are doing with the community project we have partnered with, God’s Love Centre, and the business-training workshop.


Life can take you to places you never thought of going. I never pictured myself getting all dressed up going to a meeting, let alone negotiating with ‘the big bosses’ but that is what’s fascinating about my job at rise. I was not pinned down to one task and that really allowed opportunities that widened our horizons. The more we can test our limits and capabilities the more we will learn about ourselves.

I didn’t know much about scheduling meetings, attending meetings and how to adjourn a meeting. And my God, apparently there’s a specific way of giving handshakes!! Who knew?


The first time we were made aware that we will be having one on one meetings with our coaches, I was reluctant and skeptical about them, little did I know how much I would learn about myself.

The questions asked got me to realise that I have been making excuses and barriers on why I haven’t started a business and maybe the biggest reason is the fear of failure. The meeting broke the ice, and a few days after I began making quince jam and I’m proud to say I SOLD EVERY JAR!

As I sign out, I would like to thank everyone who has read my blog, my coaches and my fellow workmates and team members who have made these two months an experience never to be forgotten.

With this program I believe I have exhausted most of my capabilities and yet we are only 2 months in, this has truly been a great learning experience and I will forever be indebted to all those who gave me a hand. Looking forward to many milestones in the remaining 6 months.



rise News

Design Competition

in loco program

Lesotho Blues


Construction update


  1. Tholoana Ntuli
    April 1, 2018

    Good work young lady…

  2. Victorinah
    April 1, 2018

    Thank you very Thandi, your story inspired me so much.I am ready to take over the world.

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