in loco program

IN LOCO FELLOWS 2020 BLOG SERIES #3: Intergalactic love

Intergalactic means movement between spaces. Buildings occupy space, from their foundations upwards. Therefore in this blog, intergalactic is compared to construction because of the fuming passion I have for the built environment and intergalactic.

My passion for the built environment grew after several setbacks from the University of Free State, where I was enrolled in the faculty of natural sciences, however I dropped out from the University and I enrolled for a National Diploma: Building at the Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT) where I graduated in record time. The faculty of Engineering has always been best for me…HAHA.

Malingaka working on construction site
Malingaka working on construction site

Upon completion of my diploma, I was awarded a MerSETA women in engineering bursary. This encouraged me to further my BTech in Construction Management which I also completed in record time. A fiery love for construction grew deeper, so much so, that I established my own construction company named Khal Construction Engineers the same year I enrolled for my BTech, with a view of creating a better industry that would lessen surplus costs, delays, accidents on construction site, and upsurge job creation. My first project in construction was plastering and floor pouring a residential building.

The business did not go so well. Our marketing was poor, we could not get customers as we were unknown in the industry, project hunting became all-consuming  but there were still no doors opening for the smart, enthusiastic ‘Malingaka. But I don’t accept defeat; it’s just not in my DNA. Therefore I enrolled for a Masters at the University of Johannesburg while job hunting and tender hunting. Being the go getter that I am, I completed my Masters within a year. The same year in December my company got its first client!  Sufficient grace, right?

Malingaka building a guard house

That first client was a stepping-stone to many. Currently I have over two years’ experience in the industry and already embarking on the journey to bag my PhD in Construction Management. Though my business is facing challenges such as lack of construction equipment to commence a project, rise has a solution to my challenge since fellows and alumni are able to borrow construction equipment from rise.

My first encounter with rise international was when I navigated through the internet for job vacancies. I believe it was through that I saw the opportunity for the in loco fellowship. rise’s mission and vision caught my attention, I was amazed. With much enthusiasm I applied for the fellowship and got in. I must say I am super grateful for this platform; it has been nothing but a place of growth in the built environment, industry and entrepreneurship.

Work on Construction Site
Malingaka and other in loco fellows working on LNFOD site

“Don’t let an opportunity pass you by, grab it and make the most of it.” I’ve been doing the most, learning by doing, learning from my other fellows, grabbing every skill and networking. rise has taught me that “Letso’ele le beta poho”, (Together we can overcome). Team work is the utmost, sharing innovative ideas amongst the fellows, problem solving and building each other through business partnerships. At rise, I have learned the importance of marketing, effective communication, negotiation skills and working in groups with other fellows. Amongst the activities we’ve done with rise, I enjoyed the Participatory Design Workshop and team building the most; what an experience!

‘Malingaka Maoeng

I am excited to learn more from my fellows, to experience getting our hands dirty on the 2020 project. I have been getting along well with other fellows; it has really been fun working with each and every one of them. It is as if we’re one big happy family.

I AM ‘Malingaka Maoeng


Design Competition


Lesotho Blues


Construction update

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