Conserving the Heritage and Historical Buildings in Morija
We have partnered with Seriti sa Makhoarane (SSM) Heritage & Tourism Initiative to carry out an architectural survey and to compile restoration plans for historic buildings in and around the Makhoarane Area about 40kms from the capital of Maseru, Lesotho. The SSM Initiative arises from a process involving Morija Museum & Archives, the Royal Archives & Museum (Matsieng) and key stakeholders in the Makhoarane Area. After the realization that preserving, presenting and managing our heritage assets more effectively can make a positive difference to the four historic communities of Morija, Matsieng, Makeneng and Phahameng as well as the surrounding region. Many of the heritage sites are deteriorating, the current volume of visitors and tourists is relatively low, and the infrastructure and amenities are inadequate if tourism is to grow meaningfully.
We built the capacity of local apprentices in their surveying skills and their abilities in the restoration of historical buildings. In partnership with Politecnico di Milano, Italy we trained and brought in Masters in Architecture students to spearhead the project. We held a first-of-its-kind Built Environment and Heritage Masterclass in Makeneng. This class was held at Makeneng (Matsieng), the royal village of Morena Lerotholi, the second-generation successor of Morena Moshoeshoe I. Architectural heritage spets Janine de Waal and Graham Jacobs facilitated the Masterclass and shared their knowledge on the conservation of heritage in buildings. Read more about the project here